Initial list of Wisdom Keepers/ Regular and Adjunct Faculty who will be invited to participate in the launch of The Elder-Corps

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Initial list of Wisdom Keepers/ Regular and Adjunct Faculty who will be invited to participate in the launch of The Elder-Corps: Jean Houston, Gregg Braden, Deepak Chopra, Raymond Moody, Stanislav Grof, Mark Nepo, Michael Meade, Paul Ray, Hazel Henderson, Thomas Moore, Caroline Myss, Sonia Choquette, David Whyte, Andrew Harvey, Roshi Joan Halifax, Ervin Lazlo, David Suzuki, Natalie Goldberg, Jack Kornfield, Pema Chodron, Larry Dossey, Robert Thurman, Gladys McGarey, Lee McCormick, Gary Zukav & Linda Francis, Marianne Williamson, and Jean Shinoda Bolen.

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