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TICKETSEnlivened Living 2015 – Wisdom Keepers Bio and Programs
Some of the leading authors and experts you’ll meet at Enlivened Living 2015
Joan Borysenko – Amit Goswami – Dr Norm Shealy – Mark Nepo – Dannion and Kathryn Brinkley – George & Sedena Cappannelli – Nathan Crane – Gay Dillingham – Carol Flake – Steve Farrell – DoubleJoy Twins – Dr. Jim Garrison –Michael J. Gelb – Gini Gentry – Randall Hayes – Cynthia James – Dr. Thomas Lodi – Howard Martin – Lee McCormick – Michael Meade -Marilyn Schlitz – Carl Studna – Will Taegel – Rajeev Taranath – Tilak – Sunil Pai, MD – Kelly Sullivan Walden – Dr Bill Wolfe – Celeste Yacoboni
Joan Borysenko, Ph.D
Joan is one of the leading experts on stress, spirituality, and the mind/body connection. She has a doctorate in medical sciences from Harvard Medical School, and completed three – post doctoral fellowships in cell biology. She is a licensed clinical psychologist, and is the co-founder and former director of the Mind/body Clinical Programs at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School. Her books include: Saying Yes To Change; 7 Paths to God- The Way of the Mystic; The Power of The Mind To Heal; Minding The Body, Mending The Mind; It’s Not The End of The World – Developing Resilience In Times of Change and her latest, The PlantPlus Diet Solution.
Joan’s lifelong interest in mysticism and the world’s religions culminated in co-founding The Claritas Institute for Interspiritual Inquiry with her husband, organizational psychologist Gordon Dveirin. The Institute has programs to train spiritual mentors, offers spiritual guidance to individuals and corporations, and hosts seminars and retreats. Joan and Gordon’s new book is Your Soul’s Compass: What is Spiritual Guidance? reveals how we can co-operate with the living field of possibilities to align with the emerging good in any situation.
Joan Borysenko – Healing The Mind, Mending The Body.
In this program Joan Borysenko, one of the leading authorities on stress, spirituality and the mind/body connection, talks about her life, some of the seminal moments that have impacted her career decisions and she does this with her refreshing brand of honesty and transparency that makes her so beloved by her readers and audiences. She also provides insights on some of her books and her new, innovative work on wellness and diet represented by her latest book, The Planet Plus Diet Solution. Warm, engaging and informative and especially relevant to the Wisdom Summit’s audience in things that will help them to live more consciously and age wisely and well. www.joanborysenko.com
Dr. Amit Goswami
Dr Amit, theoretical quantum physicist, is a revolutionary amongst a growing body of renegade scientists who, in recent years, has ventured into the domain of the spiritual in an attempt both to interpret the seemingly inexplicable findings of curious experiments and to validate intuitions about the existence of a spiritual dimension of life. A prolific writer, teacher, and visionary, Dr. Goswami has appeared in the movies What the Bleep do we know!?, Dalai Lama Renaissance, as well as the award winning documentary, The Quantum Activist. served as a full professor at the University of Oregon’s Department of Physics from 1968 to 1997. He is currently a pioneer of the new paradigm of science called “science within consciousness,” an idea he explicated in his seminal book, The Self-Aware Universe, where he also solved the quantum measurement problem elucidating the famous observer effect.
Dr Goswami’s books include The Self-Aware Universe The Visionary Window, Physics of the Soul, Creative Evolution,God is Not Dead, Quantum Creativity: Think Quantum, Be Creative, and Quantum Economics: Unleashing the Power of an Economics of Consciousness (May 2015)
Amit Goswami will be honored as one of the 2015 AgeNation Life Achievement Awards on Saturday evening, October 10th and will deliver a special keynote address as part of the closing celebration of the first annual, Elder-Corps Wisdom Summit – Enlivened Living 2015.
Mark Nepo
Mark Nepo is beloved as a poet, teacher, and storyteller has been called “one of the finest spiritual guides of our time,” “a consummate storyteller,” and “an eloquent spiritual teacher.” New York Times #1 bestseller, The Book of Awakening.
Mark Nepo, best-selling author of 15 books including #1 New York Times Bestselling, The Book of Awakening, is beloved as a poet, teacher, and storyteller has been called “one of the finest spiritual guides of our time,” “a consummate storyteller,” and “an eloquent spiritual teacher.
Mark Nepo – Heartwork: Being A Spirit in the World
In his keynote, Mark will explore the heartwork required to inhabit our lives by engaging our ongoing relationships to self, other, work, community and Source. The integrity of our heartwork depends on integrating who we are with what we do. Regardless of the service we’re called to, the central questions have always been: How will we inhabit our time on Earth? How can we live fully in the face of death? And how can we love fully in the face of life? This of course leads to other questions: How will we know and be known? How do we hold each other as we tumble along in the story of our lives? How will we care for each other in the face of crisis?
“I have come to believe that we can only discover the capacity and meaning of our time on Earth in the context of our struggles, in how we face and inhabit the challenges life presents to us. In this, living together is an applied art of Spirit, one that we can enliven together.”
Michael Meade
Michael is a renowned storyteller, author, and scholar of mythology, anthropology, and psychology. His hypnotic and fiery storytelling, street savvy perceptiveness, and spellbinding interpretations of ancient myths are highly relevant to current culture. He is the author of many books including Fate and Destiny: The Two Agreements of The Soul, and The World Behind the World. Meade is founder of Mosaic Multicultural Foundation, a Seattle-based nonprofit dedicated to education and cultural healing. And he has made it a central tenant of his long and distinguished career to contribute his learning and his gifts to people on the fringes – youth at risk, veterans, people in prisons and aging members of our population.
Michael Meade – Finding Genius In Your Life
In this program, Michael Meade, one of the most captivating and gifted story tellers of our time, explores some of the ways each of us can overcome the modern world-view that would have us thinking that each person is an accidental occurrence in an accidental universe, rather than that each person enters the world with unique gifts and a life purpose waiting to be discovered. Weaving his anthropological magic he introduces us to the world of Fate and Destiny, talks about the critical role elders have played in every successful society in history and how current practices and beliefs – exercised both by those of us who are aging as well as by society as a whole – are contributing to the marginalization of our elders. He also talks candidly about the path that he has followed and using myth and stories shows us how genius – the genius we all have – can awaken our imagination and inspirations and allow us to expand rather than diminished at every stage of our lives and particularly as we age. www.moasicvoices.com
Dannion and Kathryn Brinkley
Dannion and Kathryn are bestselling authors, lecturers and spiritual teachers who have both survived near-death experiences and returned to share their experiences with us. In 1994, as Dannion’s first New York Times bestseller, Saved by the Light, was being published, Kathryn was leaving her footprint in the literary world as the author of Jewels for the Soul: Affirmations from the Heart. In 2008, Harper Harper One, San Francisco, published Secrets of the Light. In it Dannion and Kathryn explain what they call The Four-Fold Path, to spiritual enlightenment, along with an explanation of how to live this life in a way that will benefit people in the afterlife. Currently, they are working on their next co-authored book, Ten Things to Know Before You Go.
This devoted couple also works ceaselessly to champion of virtues of spiritual values in daily life. Together they guide The Twilight Brigade, their non-profit organization dedicated to training volunteers to be at the bedside of our American veteran’s in transition, from the world to the next. www.dannion.com
Dannion and Kathryn Brinkley – Preparing for the Future of Consciousness
At this point and place in human history, Dannion and Kathryn believe we are all being called to reassess, and possibly recreate, our personal mission statements in life – particularly those of us who are in the second half of life and those in younger generations who want to better prepare for the future. We have arrived at a time when all things have evolved to a point of critical mass. Through our conscious thoughts, and intentions as well as our physical actions, we are preparing for a quantum leap in consciousness. The coming era is unprecedented in every possible way. Therefore, the execution of our power and might, as spiritual beings experiencing a physical incarnation, has never been more crucial.
In preparation, for the next decade, we must find our spiritual clarity. The “new normal” will be a heightened consciousness that requires we align our daily activities with the cosmic vibration and flow, redefine our values and priorities, more fully understand the nature of aging and transitioning between this life and what lies beyond. This program is not to be missed by anyone who values the quality of life in the coming years.
Rajeev Taranath
Internationally acclaimed performer, Rajeev Taranath is today one of the world’s leading exponents of the Sarod. A distinguished disciple of Maestro Ali Akbar Khan, his performances masterfully combine the depth and rigor of the tradition of Hindustani classical music with an inspired imagination and emotional intensity.
Rajeev has toured extensively as a performer in India, Australia, Europe, Yemen and throughout the U.S. He has also composed music for several nationally and internationally honored Indian films. He is the recipient of the Indian Government’s highest award in the arts, the Sangeet Natak Academi Award as well as the prestigious national Award, ‘Chowdiah Award for Music’ for excellence in the field of instrumental music.
Rajeev Taranath’s distinctive musicianship demonstrates striking imaginative power, technical excellence and emotional range. He is respected for the clarity of musical understanding which he brings to the unfolding of a raga and the beauty of the tone he evokes from the sarod. The New York Times has described his music by commenting with great enthusiasm about the exuberance and versatility of his playing, which ranged from the spiritual to the spirited.
Rajeev will be performing as part of the special closing event and celebration of the first Annual Elder-Corps Wisdom Conference – Enlivened Living 2015 on Saturday evening, October 10th on the Mile Hi Church Campus in Denver Co.
Carol Flake, Ph.D.
After a stint in academia, Carol Flake Chapman turned to journalism, working as writer and editor for a number of leading newspapers and magazines. She was a founding editor of Vanity Fair and a correspondent for The New Yorker and U.S. News & World Report. She has written for Harper’s, the Washington Post the New York Times, the Boston Globe, Vogue, Conde Nast Traveler, The Nation, Texas Monthly, and The New Republic. She has covered subjects from religion, culture, and politics to travel and the outdoors. Each of her books has been regarded as a definitive work on its subject — provocative and ahead of its time. Her new book, Written in Water: A Memoir of Love, Death, and Mystery, is a story of the sorrow and transcendence that come with the pursuit of healing. After losing her beloved husband in a kayaking accident on a remote Guatemalan river, she undertakes an improvised pilgrimage around the world that becomes a journey of discovery. Along the way, she finds deep connections to nature and to dimensions of reality that lie beneath the surface of everyday life. As one reviewer put it, she “opens portals of life’s mysteries that many of us never reach.
Carol Flake Chapman – Written in Water: Death, Grief, and the Wisdom of Healing in Nature
For anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one and particularly elders who are seeking new ways of healing, this program with Carol Flake Chapman, the author of the new book Written in Water: A Memoir of Love, Death and Mystery, will be essential. As a former academic and a veteran journalist schooled in skepticism, Dr. Chapman shares her confrontation with the parts of herself that were resistant to the healing qualities in the Sacred Web of Nature and the discoveries she made about possibilities for transcending resistance and opening to grace. She talks about finding “necessary angels” along her pilgrimage of healing, and talks about what she calls the process of Slow Grief to heal her wounded heart. Do synchronicities join hands with grief to form a healing pattern? Are we being called to a larger perspective through these challenging moments? Dr. Chapman answers a resounding “Yes!”
Dr. Norm Shealy
Dr. Norm Shealy is one of the world’s leading experts in pain & depression management. He was the first physician to specialize in the resolution of chronic pain. A pioneer in developing safe and effective treatments such as Biogenics, he founded, in 1971, the first comprehensive pain and stress management facility in the country, The Shealy Institute, respected world-wide for its innovative and successful rehabilitation approaches in over 30,000 patients. His published works total over 325. His seminars and workshops are given worldwide, and attended by physicians and lay persons alike. He has acted as consultant to leaders in every specialty, including the personal physicians of President’s Kennedy and Eisenhower. In 1978, Norm was instrumental in developing the American Holistic Medical Association. More recently he is Founder and CEO of the National Institute Of Holistic Medicine, which offers the broadest range of safe holistic approaches for a broad range of problems which fail to respond to conventional medicine.
Overall, Norm’s work has expanded the field of Energy Medicine, using electrical, electromagnetic, mental, physical and emotional tools for health enhancement. He has been president of the International Society the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine. His work with Caroline Myss led them to start the first doctoral program in Energy Medicine. In 2001, that work led to the establishment of Holos University Graduate Seminary. He was President of Holos University for its first 7 years and is now Professor Emeritus of Energy Medicine.
Randall Hayes
Randall is Executive Director at Foundation Earth, a new organization rethinking a human order that works within the planet’s life support systems. As a former filmmaker and Rainforest Action Network founder, he is a veteran of many high-visibility corporate accountability campaigns and has advocated for the rights of Indigenous peoples. He served seven years as President of The City of San Francisco Commission on the Environment, and as Director of Sustainability in the office of Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown (now governor). As a wilderness lover, Hayes has explored the High Sierras, the Canadian Rockies and the rainforests of the Amazon, Central America, Congo, Southeast Asia, Borneo, and Australia. He is a special advisor to the World Future Council.
In the words of Adam Werbach, Former President of the Sierra Club, “Randy Hayes is a hero and a visionary — a radical messenger with the mentality of a Madison Avenue ad executive who is selling just one thing, saving the world before it is too late.”
RANDY HAYES – Pathway to Elderhood through Biospheric Literacy
Randy Hayes, founder of Rain Forest Action Network and more recently Foundation Earth, describes his pathway to a deep caring for the Earth through his study under the Navajo elders, one of which was 102, in the Four Corners area of the Southwest. From there, he studied under the elders of the Amazonian rainforest and thus began his career in protection of the environment. During the interview he explains what he calls biospheric literacy and the need for cost accounting in our economic calculations that include the environment.
Michael Gelb
Michael J. Gelb is the world’s leading authority on the application of genius thinking to personal and organizational development. He is a pioneer in the fields of creative thinking, accelerated learning, and innovative leadership. Gelb leads seminars for organizations such as DuPont, Merck, Microsoft, Nike, Roche and YPO. He brings more than 35 years of experience as a professional speaker, seminar leader and organizational consultant to his diverse, international clientele. Gelb is the author of 14 books on creativity and innovation including the international best seller How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day and Brain Power: Improve Your Mind as You Age. www.michaelgelb.com
Michael J Gelb – Think Like Leonardo: Improve as You Age!
What if you could call on history’s greatest genius, Leonardo da Vinci, to be your personal mentor in improving mind and body as you age? Anatomist, architect, botanist, city planner, engineer, inventor, geographer, geologist, musician, painter and philosopher, Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519) helped bring the Western world out of the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance. Now his approach to optimizing human potential is more relevant than ever. This dynamic, highly-interactive program brings da Vinci’s genius to life through fascinating biographical and historical information, setting the stage for an introduction to seven principles for thinking “a la Leonardo.” You will then be guided to apply the principles to experience a personal Renaissance now! Leonardo da Vinci invented the parachute before anyone could fly! Imagine what you will accomplish with that kind of thinking.
Will Taegel
The Dean of the Wisdom School of Graduate Study of Ubiquity University and one of the co-hosts of this Global Elder-Corps Summit, brings an integral approach to his work in education. He weds his Native American background and traditional training in shamanic circles with his 30-year practice of psychotherapy. Dr. Taegel is the author of 8 books, including the recent The Mother Tongue: Intimacy in the Eco-fields, which brings together ancient wisdom and 21st century science. He was among the first researchers to connect clinical and cultural disturbance with human estrangement from the sacred core of Nature. He balances his academic interest in evolution and trauma with the spiritual practice of rain water collection, solar and wind energy, and environmental restoration. Will Taegel and Judith Yost are co-founders of an ongoing eco-spiritual, integral practice community in the Texas Hill Country called the Earthtribe.
Will Taegel – The Mother Tongue: The Language of Wise Elders
As we are initiated into being elders and as we face the task of being creative instead of stagnant, Nature provides us with a lost language. It is the language of the ancients and of the newer sciences, but, more important, it is the language of our childhood. This conversation with Will Taegel takes us on a wild and wonderful journey to discovering what Carl Jung called “the natural human within.” As we recover this wild heart, we tap into the possibilities that lie waiting for us. Most importantly, as we learn to speak this mother tongue we unveil the potential of a legacy to offer our children and grandchildren to seven generations in the future. www.earthtribe.org
Dr. Thomas Lodi, MD
Dr. Thomas Lodi, MD has always been something of a brilliant enigma within the oncology community. His take on integrative, alternative and nutritional solutions to treating cancer has been viewed as radical. The rather direct stance he takes regarding empowering his patient to understand their body’s ability to heal using his program leaves some, if not many estranged. Despite all of this, his treatments have revolutionized the integrative side of the oncology industry worldwide and led many patients with cancer to the root of real healing and health restoration.
Nine years ago, Dr. Lodi founded his practice at An Oasis of Healing in Mesa, Arizona. At the time, few if any other centers provided a true mix of conventional and alternative medicine to help patients actually heal from their cancer. Add to the mix an organic whole foods diet, whole body cleansing, and spiritual healing, Dr. Thomas Lodi pioneered what has now become the definitive route for those unsatisfied with the modern cancer treatment system.
Dr. Jim Garrison
Dr Jim Garrison received his Ph.D. in Philosophical Theology from Cambridge University, an M.T.S. degree in History of Religion and Christology from Harvard Divinity School, and a B.A. in History and Political Science from the University of Santa Clara.
Jim is the founder of Ubiquity University and serves as President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Academic Officer. He served as President and Chairman of Wisdom University from 2005 to 2012 which established Ubiquity. Previously, he founded and served as President of the Gorbachev Foundation/USA and the State of the World Forum, both San Francisco-based non-profit institutions created to establish a global network of leaders dedicated to creating a more sustainable global civilization.
Dr Bill Wolfe
Dr. Bill Wolfe – How Do Your Teeth Relate to Your Whole Body?
Bill Wolfe D.D.S., N.M.D. practices in Albuquerque, New Mexico, focusing on “Biological Dentistry,” which emphasizes the use of non-toxic materials and the principles of electro-acupuncture, kinesiology, and homeopathy. Dr. Wolfe is also a board certified naturopathic physician, and an international speaker. His speaking engagements include: The British Homeopathic Dental Association; The International College of Applied Kinesiology; and the International Association of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Royal Society of Medicine, to name just a few. He has a full line of energetically enhanced products from toothpaste to skin care that will be made available in the Expo and also online at: www.DrWolfe.com.
Born in Sri Lanka with a rare energy and sensitivity, Tilak has displayed an incredible ability to transform people’s lives and bring them into a higher state of wakefulness through his presence and connection to the flow. A team of doctors visited Tilak in Sri Lanka, in the early 1970s, and soon after asked him to come to the United States. A few years later, in the mid 70s, Dr. Stan Grof invited him to the Esalen Institute to share his presence and abilities in healing and transformation. Tilak’s unique art of creating emotional ventilation and his wild wisdom has touched the hearts of thousands of people in the last 50 years. Tilak’s distinct ways of “creating openings” and unleashing energy continues to affect many through healing and spontaneous fascination.
Tilak’s work is not for everyone; it is for those that are ready to embark on an adventure. Working with Tilak is like emotional scuba diving that unleashes your true potential and fascination for life that has been lying dormant due to fear and doubt. Life is a celebration for your arrival here on the Planet Earth. Life loves you and if you love life unconditionally, having no interference, it will bring you a pleasant surprise. Meet Tilak and say yes to Life!
Tilak – Secrets of the Flow (The Art of Sensing and Signaling)
Life is a celebration. The pleasure of living and the joy of realization is a part of our inheritance. But usually, you are not able to sense it, feel it or connect to it, because you are distracted by mind chatter, intention and unworthiness. These three distractions keep you from recognizing that you are in a living space. When you find yourself in a living space, you respond to it by saying yes to life. In this talk, Tilak is going to show how different forms of emotions and energies are running through you. They are the flow of intelligence from earth, fire, water, air and space, going through you as emotional currents.
Tilak will show you different openings that will connect you to the flow of the earth, to the flare of passion, to the currents of the emotional waves, and to the space of brilliance, which as a result will actually bring you into a state of unconditional wonder, spontaneous fascination and emotional ventilation.
Most of the things you experience in life are so mechanical and serious. Then they become mental and cerebral, and you do not really feel an intimacy within you or an emotional combustion when you try to design or create or talk to people. Tilak will show you the true nature of intimacy that can come only by feeling your own presence. This has nothing to do with anything that has happened in your life or future, because your presence is in touch with and is connected to the flow of life through the incredible intelligence going through you from earth, fire, water, air and space. This is a very powerful experience and, as Tilak says, “Life is an infinite experience you can live from moment to moment everyday, with lightness and joy.”
Sunil Pai, MD
Sunil Pai, MD is Medical Director, Elder and Medicine Man of Sanjevani Integrative Medicine Health & Lifestyle Center, a branch of Oklevueha Native American Church in Albuquerque, NM. As a nonprofit organization, they provide full service health education and Integrative Medicine services with emphasis in indigenous and natural medicines. Sanjevani is certified by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) as an Educational Alliance Partner for delivering evidence based, clinical plant based nutritional programs.
Dr. Pai specializes in custom formulation of dietary supplements including vitamins, minerals, Ayurvedic herbs, medical foods, and homeopathics using safe, clinically effective ingredients. He has been a consultant to various nutraceutical companies as well as functional medicine testing companies. Over the past 15 years, Dr. Pai has studied the processing of raw materials from farm to manufacturing and from the bench top research to clinical studies. His interest in the benefits of natural therapies led to the development of Sanjevani Nutraceuticals/Cosmeceuticals products.
Inflammation – The #1 Key to Reversing Chronic Disease and Aging
Regardless of where they are located in the body and the names that we have given them, all diseases lead back to inflammation. Inflammation is the trigger mechanism that makes every health condition worse. Research now shows that inflammation not only worsens diseases, it also accelerates aging. It is the number one lifestyle factor that can easily be changed to help us reach the age of 100 and above. More than just telomere length, inflammation is better at predicting overall health and aging. Learn how to eliminate inflammation by eating a plant-based diet and using natural anti-inflammatories.
Nathan Crane
Nathan is an award winning author, inspirational speaker, and conscious filmmaker dedicated to helping make possible for every human being the possibility to live a healthy, sustainable, meaningful life. Nathan is the President and CEO of Integrated Health International, an organization dedicated to raising awareness around integrative and alternative solutions to preventing, healing, and reversing degenerative disease. Nathan is also the Founder of The Panacea Community, President of Panacea Publishing, Inc. Director of Panacea Life School, Creative Visionary of Panacea Talking Pictures, Creator of Self Reliance Mastery, and Producer of The Integrated Health Conference. Nathan is focused on assisting people around the world to experience higher levels of health, happiness, and fulfillment through online and in-person educational conscious publishing programs and experiences.
George and Sedena Cappannelli
AgeNation’s co-founders have been privileged to work with over 100,000 people who have attended their public seminars, workshops and retreats, hundreds of businesses and the people who make them successful, and even a number of world leaders. They have a nationally syndicated radio show, AgeNation Radio Magazine and their joint books include: Say Yes To Change, 25 Keys To Making Change Work for You; Authenticity, Simple Strategies For Greater Meaning and Purpose a Work and a Home; and their award winning book, Do Not Go Quietly, A Guide To Living Consciously and Aging Wisely, and The Best Is Yet To Be, How to Age Wisely and Fall In Love With Your Life Again. George and Sedena along with Jim and Claire Garrison and Will Taegel and Judith Yost, are the founders of The Elder-Corps.
George and Sedena Cappannelli – How To Age Wisely and Fall In Love With Your Life Again
In this dynamic and inspiring program, George and Sedena take you on a journey of discovery and celebration of the life you have lived, the wisdom and experience you have garnered to date, the new strategies you can use in living your life more joyfully and successfully in each present moment and how you can chart a more successful course for the future. Interactive, engaging and highly relevant in this time of demographic revolution for those who weren’t born yesterday and for younger people who will soon inherit the future.
Howard Martin
Howard is one of the original leaders who helped Doc Childre found HeartMath and has been with the organization since its inception in 1991 serving as a key spokesperson and executive. In 1999 he co-authored with Doc Childre, The HeartMath Solution, published by HarperSanFrancisco , considered to be a classic and the definitive work on the intelligence of the heart. Howard has also played a key role in launching the Global Coherence Initiative (GCI), a science-based, co-creative project to unite people in heart-focused care and intention, to facilitate the shift in global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace.
During his career with HeartMath and the Global Coherence Initiative, Howard has been instrumental in delivering practical, yet dynamic programs to tens of thousands of people in audiences world-wide. Because of his universal appeal, he has conducted keynote presentations and training programs for Fortune 100 companies, government agencies, all four branches of the U.S. military, school systems, ecumenical organizations and for publicly promoted events in over 50 cities on four continents.
Howard Martin – From Individual To Global, Heartmath’s Heart Intelligence and Heart Coherence Solutions
In this engaging and informative program, Howard Martin, one of the founding members of HeartMath, shares his insights and guidance on how to live a heart-centered life. As he leads us from the early days with Founder Doc Childre, Howard explores some of the unique work done with HeartMath that has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals as well as organizations in many parts of the world who understand the benefits of practicing heart coherence and letting the wisdom and intelligence of the heart contribute many of the outstanding benefits that HeartMath and its researchers have proven scientifically to reduce stress, anxiety and depression and increase gratitude, calmness, creativity and overall well-being.
Nomi Shannon
Considered to be a pioneer in the raw food movement, author of five raw food related books and many eBooks, award- winning Amazon.com best-selling author Nomi Shannon has been all or high raw since 1987. Now at age 72, Nomi says she enjoys the benefits of a healthy, alkalizing diet by living the life of a 45 year old! Nomi ran the Health Educator program at Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida and became a Certified Hippocrates Health Educator there. Her book The Raw Gourmet, Simple Recipes for Living Well, has sold over 250,000 copies making it one of the best-selling raw recipe books of all time. Her latest book, What Do Raw Fooders Eat shows exactly what 24 raw fooders from all over the world eat– with a one week food log from each person, as well as their personal story and great recipe ideas.
Nomi focuses on teaching busy people wise diet and health solutions so that they can live the life that they deserve and desire. On the professional coaching level, Nomi’s helps bring out the natural brilliance and originality in women who have a passion to be a raw food teacher, mentor or coach. From 2008-2011, Nomi received numerous Best of Raw Awards for: Best Raw Educator, Favorite Raw Chef and Favorite Raw Book (For The Raw Gourmet, Raw Food Celebrations, and best in Media for What Do Raw Fooders Eat) as well as best Blog, best Online Store and her personal favorite, Funniest Raw Woman. Ultimately Nomi became one of only two people named to the Best of Raw “Rawll of Fame”.
She’s not only a certified Hippocrates Health Educator; she actually ran The Hippocrates Health Institute’s Certification Course back in the early 1990’s. Raw for over 28 years and still going strong at age 72, Nomi has been featured in Alive magazine, Get Fresh, San Diego North County Times, Galveston News, as well as numerous radio shows and other media.
Nomi is known for teaching people proven steps to keeping — or regaining — vibrant health. Her website www.rawgourmet.com offers breakthrough information, product reviews, delicious recipes, an ezine and an online course — all free of charge. She also offers online coaching courses, her books, raw kitchen equipment, DVDs, phone consultations and live classes. Since there’s conflicting information about what’s the “best” raw food diet, many raw fooders wonder what to eat. Nomi shows people a simple path to thriving on raw food and leaving the confusion behind. Just as important, she empowers people to whip up delicious meals quickly and easily, turning newbies into thriving home chefs practically overnight.
Cynthia James
A Champion for Change, Transformational Speaker, Coach, Performing Artist and Award Winning Author. Cynthia is a transformational specialist guiding people as they make changes for lasting healing in their lives. Her life was transformed as she transcended a childhood of violence and abuse, and that experience created the foundation for all her programs. Once a working Hollywood actress, Cynthia excels as a speaker, coach, singer and multiple-award winning author of What Will Set You Free and Revealing Your Extraordinary Essence. Cynthia has coached and supported thousands of people into vibrant living, including taking her workshop, What Will Set You Free, worldwide and to women in prison. Her program, Advanced Awareness Coaching offers depth, focus and results for high level business leaders. Her newest line of tools and techniques, Affirmative Living; consists of a meditation CD – Passages and an APP, 100 days of Affirmative Living available in English and in Spanish. In 2014, Ms James’ Extraordinary Living Project was selected to be a Commitment Maker by the Clinton Health Matters Initiative. The Extraordinary Living team empowers African-American women to break through the bondage of obesity and create lives of freedom based on healthy choices. Internationally, Ms. James has led workshops in England and Ireland and has created and facilitated pilgrimages to Paris, Chartres and with Shaman, Jorge Luis Delgado in Peru. She has also served as a minister at Mile Hi Church in Denver.
Carl Studna
Carl is a world-renowned photographer and videographer, inspirational speaker, teacher and multi-award winning author. Carl’s intimate portraits of influential people ranging from Paul McCartney to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, are published and known worldwide. The primary theme that weaves its way through Studna’s lectures, workshops, interviews and published works is that life is a sacred journey to be cherished and embraced; awakening to the splendor that lies in life’s seemingly ordinary moments. His innovative work, the LuminEssence Method©, teaches a new paradigm for radiating the light that resides within, allowing it to fully express, empowering its energy as it inspires and reveals each person’s authentic gifts.
Carl Studna Program – CLICK! Choosing Love…One Frame At A Time
In this inspiring program, Carl uses the familiar example of having our picture taken as the ultimate barometer of where our attention is being placed in every second – that essential choice point in every moment of our lives. This program is a masterful blend of the author’s own personal stories with vulnerable, engaging experience from respected guest writers such as Tom Robbins, Ram Dass, Kenny Loggins, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Cynthia James and others. This book beautifully weaves in the exquisite photographs of these teachers as well as other luminaries and icons such as Paul McCartney, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Elton John, George Harrison, Deepak Chopra and Marianne Williamson. An engaging, informative, grace-filled journey you will want to participate in.
Gini Gentry
Gina is a Toltec Spirit Guide, is the female spiritual leader and guardian of the Toltec wisdom traditions. While her teachings are anchored in a mastery of ancient Toltec wisdom, her great strength has been her ability to synthesize the universal truths of all sacred traditions, and to approach and interpret these truths from the female aspect of the Great Mystery
Gini’s unique voice has inspired thousands of spiritual seekers to discover the modern day relevance of the idea of awakening. She was the midwife of the New York Times best-selling book, The Four Agreements, which served to introduce the public at large to the mystical yet practical teachings of the Toltec way.
Her own best selling book – Dreaming Down Heaven – has been met with rave critical reviews for the innovative “book within a book” format she uses to tell the story of a young woman’s sacred quest – through the disappointments and trials of her life to the discovery of a magical book of wisdom that affords her a peak behind the curtains of what Gini calls “The Magical Theater” of her life.
Lee McCormick
Lee has always lived out loud. Born into a tribe of movers and shakers, he was raised between his pioneer family’s farm in Florida where his great grandparents homesteaded during the Civil War, and his Dad’s Wyoming cattle ranch. The boldness of his family and the richness of his heritage made him a passionate man.
In the late ‘70s and ‘80s Lee hit the road as a singer songwriter. Talk about an education, he plunged into the lifestyle head first and headstrong. His tipping point came in1997 when he (barely) woke up one day, realized he had an out-of-control drug problem and checked himself into rehab. In rehab, he had a profound awakening and set out on a personal quest to find real truth and healing in his life. In 1998, Lee founded The Ranch Recovery Center in Tennessee and later The Canyon Treatment Center in Malibu California and has been a creative force in the Mental Health and Recovery scene for over 15 years. As a natural offshoot of his work in the rehab world Lee authored “The Spirit Recovery Meditation Journal” published by Health Communications, Inc., a book to assist people in reclaiming their lives. At the same time a movie was in the making via his Spirit Recovery journeys. Lee is the Executive Producer and has a leading role in the documentary “Dreaming Heaven”, the true story of the experiences of 18 people over 5 days at the Pyramids in Teotihuacan, Mexico. Lee has led many journeys to this place of power and has developed a far-reaching relationship with the mystery of the shamanic world that is present there. The documentary chronicles one of these experiential journeys in a deeply moving way.
In the force-to-be-reckoned-with spirit of his family, Lee has truly made a legacy of his own. He has four daughters, two grand daughters and lives between his ranch in Tennessee, home in Malibu, California and the Dreaming House in Teotihuacan, Mexico with his equally strong-hearted wife, Mee Tracy McCormick and their two young daughters Lola and Isabella.
Lee McCormick & Gini Gentry – Dreaming Heaven
Toltec Wisdom teaches that our lives can be a dream of heaven on earth – a dream filled with an abundance of peace, happiness, grace and love. In Dreaming Heaven, we learn that this life is open to anyone who is willing to take the first step. Toltec spirit guides Lee McCormick and Gini Gentry describe the ways we can use our capacity to decide for ourselves how we will respond to the experiences of our lives. “We can take the awesome power we already have – the power to dream an entire reality – and choose to dream a life of Heaven on Earth.”
In this program Lee and Gini reveal, for the first time, this many-thousand year old path to illumination. Through the film, journey book, meditations and music they encourage us towards a rediscovery of the “true self” that exists beneath the stories, masks, and dramas of their lives. And, we bear witness as they shed layers of mistaken identity, fearful beliefs, and limitations – to finally stand, in triumphant awareness, at the top of the great Pyramid of the Sun.
Marilyn Schlitz
Marilyn Schlitz is a social anthropologist, researcher, writer, and charismatic public speaker. She is currently the Founder and CEO of Worldview Enterprises. She also serves as President Emeritus and a Senior Fellow at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. She is also a Senior Scientist at the California Pacific Medical Center, where she focuses on health and healing, and board member of Pacifica Graduate Institute. Marilyn is currently producing a feature film (called Death Makes Life Possible) with Deepak Chopra on the topic of death and dying, and how engaging that topic in a deep and meaningful way informs the way we live our lives.
Gay Dillingham
Gay has consistently juggled her parallel passions for the environment, public policy and communication through film all in an effort to deepen our human experience and success while on this marvelous planet. Gay started making documentary films out of college in the late 80s. Her first, The WIPP Trail, narrated by Robert Redford, cast a critical eye at our nation’s first and still world’s only underground nuclear waste repository. It became a community organizing tool and aired on PBS nationally followed by a panel discussion. My Body Belongs to Me, a children’s pro-active educational program on sexual abuse, earned the American Film Festival award for “Guidance & Values Education”. Her company co-produced Dr. Andrew Weil’s first PBS programs in the mid 90s.
Gay then co-founded and managed two environmental technology companies: Earthstone International and Growstone. Under the Bill Richardson Administration she served eight years on the EIB, a regulatory board in charge of environmental management and consumer protection for the State of New Mexico. Under her tenure the EIB spear-headed the passage of the most comprehensive regulations on greenhouse gases in the country.
Today, she is again concentrating her passion to inform and enlighten through her film company CNS Communications, LLC. The project, Dying to Know has been a labor of love she has cultivated on and off for 17 years; footage so compelling is was haunting her to finish. She is grateful to be back to her life’s passion making films & telling meaningful stories.
Gay Dillinghan – Dying To Know
Dying To Know is a film about two seminal figures of our time, Timothy Leary and Ram Dass. It is a film about their relationship and their journeys set against the backdrop of the 60’s. It’s the story of the cultural revolution, of the love generation and experimentation with consciousness expanding drugs that touched and changed so many lives. Its cast includes many of the most recognizable figures of the time, and ultimately, it is a portrait of life and death, the quest for consciousness and meaning and purpose and eventually, the question we all have about the ultimate mystery.
Dying To Know is narrated by Robert Redford. It will be shown in a special screening Friday evening, October 9th.
Steve Farrell
Steve Farrell is the Worldwide Coordinating Director for Humanity’s Team, a global grassroots spiritual movement focused on awakening and embodying Oneness so humanity may enjoy a sustainable world of peace, harmony and happiness. It presently has over 100,000 teammates in over 150 countries.
Humanity’s Team projects include: Global Oneness Day – a day that Humanity’s Team created following its visit to the United Nations in May 2010; a Oneness Declaration; a year-round summit called Living in Oneness ~ The Five Pillars for Success; an annual Spiritual Leadership Award; Oneness in the Twelve Spheres of Life – an initiative that is making Oneness tangible on the ground in communities around the world; a Conscious Business Declaration, conscious business programs; prayer and meditation programs; and service projects focused on helping people and the environment.
Before Steve became involved with Humanity’s Team he co-founded and led two high growth technology companies based in Silicon Valley in the 1990’s that were featured in the INC 500 and spanned the United States and Europe. He left that career because he felt we could create a new dream based on the belief that all of us on the Earth can manifest a more conscious way of life. Steve lives with his wife Stephanie and his two children in Boulder, Colorado. www.humanitysteam.org
Kelly Sullivan Walden
Kelly Sullivan Walden is on a mission to awaken the world to the power of dreams. Known as America’s premiere dream expert, she is the #1 best selling author of I Had The Strangest Dream and It’s All In Your Dreams, Dream Oracle Cards, and the newly released, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams & Premonitions. She is also a certified clinical hypnotherapist, inspirational speaker, and founder of Dream-Life Coach Training.
She has reached millions of people with her inspiring message on national talk shows such as Doctor Oz, Ricki Lake, The Real, Bethenny, Huffington Post Live, Coast to Coast, and FOX news.
She began her dream career at age five as she and her younger sister shared a room growing up and often shared dreamscapes. They would discuss their dreams every morning and compare notes about what they thought they meant. Since those early years Kelly’s has grown into a trusted advisor, coach and consultant, enriching the lives of countless individuals, including Fortune 500 executives, UN ambassadors, celebrities, entrepreneurs, inner-city kids, and stay-at-home moms.
She is thrilled to empower you to understand the language of your dreams, so that you can stop taking your dreams lying down, and more powerfully live the life of your dreams. To receive Kelly’s dream insights go to : www.KellySullivanWalden.com.
In this program Kelly talks about How to Navigate your Life Using the Divine Direction of Your Dreams
Dream expert and author of the newly released Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams & Premonitions will share with you stories that show how your dreams and premonitions can change your life. She’ll share extraordinary stories of people who have tapped into life-changing wisdom, and encourage you to listen to your dreams and your own inner voice.
Celeste Yacoboni
Celeste Yacoboni is passionate about helping people discover a deeper experience of the sacred in their daily lives. Ordained as a Minister of Walking Prayer by the Center for Sacred Studies, Celeste leads “How Do You Pray?” workshops in which people share and experience different ways of connecting to a Source greater than themselves. She also maintains a private practice in Santa Fe, New Mexico where she facilitates healing and transformation through her unique approach to spiritual coaching and her mastery of a number of the healing arts. With breath, touch, prayer and song she holds a space of awareness, presence and inspiration that allows participants to experience a profound integration of body, mind, spirit and emotion. www.HowDoYouPray.com. How Do You Pray? Inspiring Responses from Religious Leaders, Spiritual Guides, Healers, Activists & Other Lovers of Humanity is her first book. HowDoYouPray.com
Celeste Yacoboni – How Do You Pray?
Connect with the PrayerField! How do you pray? How do you bare your soul to the Divine, dance in ecstasy, bow in gratitude, cry out for guidance and merge with nature? In her book How Do You Pray? Celeste asks 129 religious leaders, spiritual guides, healers, activists & other lovers of humanity to describe their connection with the prayerfield, the energetic flow of love for ourselves, each other, the Earth and the Divine. How Do You Pray? is an interspiritual prayerbook and resource guide.There’s inspiration for everyone whether religious, spiritual but not religious, atheist or agnostic.
In this enlivening program, we’ll explore what GOD means to you. Not the God of your youth or of your rebellious teens but a God of your mature understanding called by what ever name you choose or no name at all. Our time together will be juicy, edgy and sacred.
DoubleJoy Twins – Joyce & JoyAnn
Born during an intense thunderstorm, SURPRISING the world as identical twin sisters, Joyce and JoyAnn have been making an impact ever since with a life-long mission to create “JOY” in the lives of those they touch! Both launched entrepreneurial careers that ranged from Real Estate, Interior Design, Home Restoration and a B & B Inn. Recently, their adventures took them to Africa and Ecuador. They discovered the joy of expat living and developed an appreciation of Indigenous cultures!
As they launch a new mission, the DoubleJoy Ageless Revolution, the twins focus is to ignite sparks in the souls of those in the Third Act of their lives. At age 72, they are taking their message on the road as they travel across America in their 36′ motorhome. The DoubleJoy twins look forward to filming “ageless women” starring in their lives. Many of their stories will be included in a movie Joyce and JoyAnn are creating to be released late 2016.
DoubleJoy Twins – Be A Star in Your Third Act.
With 10,000 of us turning 65 every day, we have a profound impact on society! Let’s rewrite the script of “fear and decline” to “joy and expansion!” Who might you become if you discover and follow your soul’s calling? We each have our unique contribution! When you share your gifts with the world, you will realize the gift of “Joy and “Expansion” in your life! You will make an impact and live your legacy! That’s STARRING in your Third Act! Join us! www.DoubleJoyAgelessRevolution.com
Pamela Costello, MD. Ph.D
Dr. Pamela Costello is an Integrative, Holistic Neurosurgeon, as well as a Neuroscientist, and a Doctor of Biological Medicine. As a practicing holistic neurosurgeon of more than 20 years, with over 25 years as a published neuroscientist, Dr. Costello specializes in the reversal of neuroinflammatory & neurodegenerative illnesses, by identifying and clearing the underlying root causes of aging of the brain and body. She has her PhD (doctoral) work in neurodevelopmental abnormalities and spent her post-doctoral fellowship at The Rockefeller Institute in New York City studying the causal issues in human Alzheimer’s Disease. In addition to a career in neurosurgery and neuroscience, she completed training with Dr. Thomas Rau of the Paracelsus Institute in Lustmuhle, Switzerland, in Biological Medicine. www.drpamelacostello.com
Pamela Costello MD. Ph.D – Healing the Aging Brain – Reversing Neuroinflammatory and Neurodegenerative Disease.
Reclaiming your best brain health is an Integrative Medicine approach in healing your brain and nervous system. My neurosurgical-medical practice is based on a deep understanding of the body’s inflammatory and subsequent degenerative processes. This extensive education, combined with my experience from a career as a neurosurgeon, have allowed me tremendous insights into causal mechanisms and subsequent reversal of neuroinflammatory illnesses.
Through a Holistic approach such as that of Integrative or Biological Medicine, root causes such as environmental toxicity and chronic, low grade infections are identified and treated, and the body is restored to balance. Through this approach we are empowered to participate in manifesting our own healing, and are given tools that will allow us to continue to maintain wellness and thrive and steps can be taken to help the body clear these toxins, thereby stimulating the body’s own regulatory forces, which brings about healing from within.
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